
A page dedicated to news about recent findings!

New LogoBlocks info

18 October 2022
New LogoBlocks info has been discovered, including a new build from 2006.
It looks like this version wasn't made by the original LogoBlocks staff, though.
Instead, this version is made by "iNEX".
We'll try to find more versions of iNEX's LogoBlocks. -HH

More Scratch 0.x builds!

9 October 2022
That's right - yet more 0.x builds!
These ones are only from Mar-May 2005, but they're noteworthy nonetheless. -HH

Scratch 11Oct03 found!

28 September 2022
The one... the only...
11Oct03 is here! John Maloney searched through some old drives and found it.
Currently this is the new oldest version of Scratch found. -HH

New Scratch 0.x builds!

27 September 2022
We have found over 100 new builds of Scratch 0.x, including a 2003 build!
Lots of new things from these builds are being discovered as we speak! -HH

New Scratch 0.x builds!

27 September 2022
We have found over 100 new builds of Scratch 0.x!
Lots of new things are being discovered as we speak! -HH